Meng Fanhao's Upcoming Exhibitions and Lectures at RIBA, University of Cambridge, and University of Sheffield in the UK
2023 / 10 / 11


line+联合创始人、主持建筑师孟凡浩受邀赴英国伦敦出席RIBA China Architects: Building Contemporary China展览开幕式及论坛,并将于剑桥大学和谢菲尔德大学发表主题演讲和讲座,分享其近期的建筑实践。


RIBA China Architects: Building Contemporary China 于伦敦即将开展。此次展览邀请11位中国著名建筑师,以模型、图像、视频和图纸,展示中国建筑师应对当今最紧迫挑战的创造性和多样化的方式。展览将探讨城市更新、乡村复兴和环境改造等主题,让人们深入了解中国建筑师如何适应国家持续快速的转型。“Building Contemporary China”旨在丰富参观者对具有当代中国建筑特色的技艺与方法的理解,以及这些技艺和方法与中国更广泛的文化和社会的关系。孟凡浩受邀参展并将于9月29日在RIBA总部参加开幕仪式并发表参展感言,三个代表作品“东梓关乡村复兴”“大理洱海生态驿站”“杭州灵隐寺文化保护与提升”即将亮相伦敦。

The upcoming exhibition will celebrate the inspiring work of eleven leading Chinese architects. Through models, images, films and drawings, the exhibition will illustrate the creative and varied ways in which Chinese architects are responding to today’s most pressing challenges – both unique to China and shared globally. Exploring themes such as urban renewal, rural revival and environmental renovation, the exhibition will provide insight into how Chinese architects are adapting to the country’s continuing and rapid transformation. Building Contemporary China aims to enrich visitors’ understanding of the techniques and approaches that characterise contemporary Chinese architecture and how these relate to the country’s wider culture and society. Meng Fanhao has been invited to exhibit and will participate in the opening ceremony at RIBA headquarters on September 29th. Three of his representative works Dongziguan Rural Revival Project, Dali Erhai Lake Ecological Rest Station and Hangzhou Lingyin Temple Cultural Preservation and Enhancement, are set to make their debut in London.


RIBA China Architects: Building Contemporary China 于伦敦即将开展

英国时间10月2日,孟凡浩将出席RIBA联合剑桥大学英中设计论坛及学术周开幕论坛,并发表“记忆的延续”(Shaping Memory)主题演讲。研讨论坛将在丘吉尔学院莫勒研究院举行,围绕“低碳与可持续发展”“地域文化与城市更新”两个主题展开,由剑桥大学卡莱尔学院院长Alan Short教授、剑桥大学建筑系终身教授及达尔文学院院士François Penz教授担任主持人。

On the October 2nd, UK time, Meng Fanhao will attend the Building Contemporary UK- China Design Conference / 2023 RIBA & Cambridge Academic Week, and deliver a speech titled "Shaping Memory". The symposium will revolve around two main themes: "Low Carbon and Sustainable Development" and "Regional Culture and Urban Renewal." The forum will be moderated by Professor Alan Short, President of Clare Hall College at the University of Cambridge, and Professor François Penz, Professor of Architecture and the Moving Image and Emeritus Fellow of Darwin College at the University of Cambridge.

2023 RIBA Cambridge Design Conference and Academic Week

英国时间10月3日,孟凡浩受谢菲尔德大学建筑学院(Sheffield School of Architecture)邀请,进行主题讲座,以“与日俱新”Advanced with Times为题,分享近期实践。谢菲尔德大学建筑学院,成立于1908年,是英国成立时间最早、规模最大且实力最强的建筑学院之一,在国内外学术界都享有极高的声誉。
On October 3rd, UK time, Meng Fanhao was invited by the Sheffield School of Architecture to deliver a lecture on the theme "Advanced with Times." Founded in 1908, the School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield is one of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious architectural schools in the UK, enjoying a high reputation in both domestic and international academic circles.

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