The firm was honored as one of the Design Vanguard 2022 Top 10 Global Design Pioneers
2022 / 06 / 09

当地时间6月1日,国际权威杂志《建筑实录》(Architectural Record)公布了Design Vanguard 2022获奖名单,作为其中唯一来自亚洲的代表,line+有幸被评选为全球十大设计先锋之一




如Design Vanguard 2022主委会寄语所言,作为中国年轻一代的建筑师,line+从中国特有的传统文化和自然环境中获得灵感,并先行和引领着新的发展方向。line+立足本土,链接世界,在变革的时代中坚持独有的价值观和践行路线,在持续探寻当代设计机构的多元可能性上砥砺前行。

以下评论文章来自Design Vanguard 2022

Design Vanguard 2022:line+
Jacob Dreyer
As China's economy shifts, the built environment is evolving to match a slower pace of life, and a growing middle class is searching for roots, serenity, and calm. line+, a young Hangzhou-based studio, is among firms led by a younger generation of Chinese architects, looking to heritage and nature for inspiration—part of China's cultural turn inward, toward reflection. According to Meng Fanhao, one of line+'s founding partners, “Architecture is a way of thinking; design is a tool. We're interested in the process of social change—in the countryside and urban settings at the same time.” Starting with the Dongziguan project in 2016, a revitalization of an old neighborhood in Hangzhou, and later works including the Tai'an Dongximen mountain village renewal, and Hangzhou's Longyin temple extension, line+ respects Chinese traditions of living together with nature. The studio's designs can be very contemporary, but also always with a nod to the natural world.

Meng, 42, and Zhu Peidong, 38, his partner, had both been working architects for nearly a decade, with Zhu going from “paper architect to practicing architect” on 2012's Zhejiang Conservatory of Music while at another firm. “A violent clash exists between historically oriented architecture and highly market-driven societal necessities,” Zhu says, and his approach reflects the effort to strike a balance in China's new urban skylines. Prior to cofounding line+, Meng worked in a small design-oriented practice as well as at a big commercial firm, and saw the same trends, explaining that “the fast urbanization process has halted, and large-scale urban construction has been reduced.” The market forces that drove Chinese cityscapes to be thrown up overnight a decade ago today dictate preservation and renovation of existing structures. Chinese leaders now say they want quality GDP, not quantity; that's reflected in the sorts of projects that line+ excels at.

“The lakes and natural environment create a humanistic setting in Hangzhou,” Meng says. Accretions of the history of humans in nature, and customs embedded in nature are everywhere you turn in Tai'an and the Jiangnan region where line+ is based, but the studio isn't limited to one part of the vast country, or one style. In Hangzhou, the Qiantang River Art Museum shows a more modern affinity, and in the northeastern city of Changchun—an industrial hub with a history of Japanese modernism—line+ created a private mansion on Lotus Mountain, with spaces for Buddhist worship and contemplation of nature. In southwestern Yunnan, the team's Dongfengyun Art Center blends into the surrounding landscape, reflecting the ancient Chinese imperative that man and nature should live as one. Rural revitalization is a government priority (and, in the Chinese countryside, local government is the biggest client), but the pursuit of a calmer way of life is widely shared. From its years of rapid growth, China is maturing into a softer, gentler relationship to nature and its own history; line+ is leading the way.

Representative Works

Hangzhou Qiantang River Museum
Confronted with limited land for construction, the design is organized into two pedestrian flows, inside and outside the museum, and creates the visual identity of a building born from water, resembling multiple streams circling and intertwining upward.

Yunnan Dongfengyun Art Center
Located in the southwestern hinterland of the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, and faced with the visual impact of the collision between natural and man-made, the design aims to return to the basics by forming a "red stone formation" on the site’s elevated red slope.

Jiunvfeng · Cloud of Hometown

九女峰 · 故乡的云

Overlooking the magnificence and sublime of Mount Tai, the design responded to the magnificent waves of Mount Tai in the form of “floating clouds hovering in the mountains” and “crystal shells left in the sea of clouds” in the study and bubble pool respectively.

Slab Hill Lifestyle Lab
Located just over a mile from the Songya Lake National Wetland Park in Changsha, Hunan Province, the building is in dialogue with nature. Spa-like interiors are arranged on an artificial hill, created around an umbrella-shaped structural unit.

Zhejiang Perfect Production Factory (Phase1) Integrated Renovation
With this project, completed in 2019, line+ rethought traditional industrial sites by integrating the landscape with new courtyards and gardens around the theme of “mountain and water,” and transforming “monotonous cubic architectures”.

Tai'an Dongximen Village Renewal
While respecting the original village texture and mountain environment, and keeping the boundaries of the homestead unchanged, the design realizes the rebirth of the old village in what the architects call an “acupuncture-type restoration”. Compared with the orderly cottages, the Jiunvfeng Study and Leisure facilities higher up, on Mount Tai, have soft curves and a strikingly modern appearance.

Stray Bird Art Hotel · Songyang Chenjiapu
The adapt re-use project makes use of the possibilities offered by modern technology, combined with the wisdom of local construction, to meet the needs of contemporary life with new functions and spatial qualities.

Teahouse in Jiuxing Village
In the typical rural environment of Jiangnan region, through the dissolution of volume and the innovation of materials, building and environment present an intriguing intimate relationship.

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